you haven't played NHL '94 like this before. no longer is it extremely easy to tool on the computer-controlled team. the very scrubby West Medway What and the similarly craptastic Allston Massholes promise to suck something fierce against the 2011 Boston Bruins or the NHL Stars. get a SNES emulator ( LMGTFY ), download this (updated on July 30th, 2011) TRU94 game file* ( TRU94 ) and enjoy the potential to lose.

the concept here is to have a few vastly different teams. two of the four teams are made entirely of my circle of friends and everybody on those two scrub teams has the lowest possible ratings, across the boards. one of the other teams is the current Boston Bruins roster. the other team is an allstar team made of many of the NHL's best honkeyball players.

WM - West Medway What - 25
ALL - Allston Massholes - 25
BOS - Boston Bruins - 90
NHL - NHL Stars - 100

beginner? play as any team versus WM or ALL
novice? play as NHL versus BOS
pro? play as BOS versus NHL
expert? play as WM or ALL versus BOS
best ever? play as WM or ALL versus NHL, or try to get through the playoffs

note that having manual line changing on will tire your players out, a phenomenon that happens to an extreme with the extremely shallow scrub teams. use that option to tweak the challenge mode most appropriate to your skill level.

this revision of NHL '94 allows you to select the skill level most desirable. you may put up hundreds of goals in a single game and/or lose to the computer. good luck!

you'll want to use a gamepad, as a keyboard will be quite difficult to operate. here are the controls, based on the standard SNES controller:

L = left defenseman control
R = right defenseman control
u, l, r, d = up, left, right, down directional movement
X = goaltender control
Y = dive, stand up, flip toss, hook, hold, vogue
A = stack pads, skate, check, shoot, kill
B = pass, player selection, poke check, steal, trip
s = line change
S = start, menu

*if you do not agree to all of the terms that follow below, do not download a copy.

[1] - the copy you download is for your non-commercial personal use.
[2] - you will not use this file in any way for personal gains beyond entertainment nor will you profit financially from its use.
[3] - any possible adverse effects to your computer (and the systems networked with it) that may be the result of downloading and executing the file are your risks that are to be remedied at nobody's expense beyond your own.

TRU94 is available for the purpose of preservation and archival reproduction and is protected under ruling 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 11/27/06. the administratively created anti-circumvention exemption amendment is applicable to this file as stated in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act H.R. 2281: "computer programs and video games distributed in formats that have become obsolete and that require the original media or hardware as a condition of access, when circumvention is accomplished for the purpose of preservation or archival reproduction of published digital works by a library or archive. a format shall be considered obsolete if the machine or system necessary to render perceptible a work stored in that format is no longer manufactured or is no longer reasonably available in the commercial marketplace." the hardware required to operate TRU94 and its technology have been obsolete and commercially unavailable for well over a decade. the cessation of development and production of said obsolete hardware indisputably aligns TRU94 with the anti-circumvention exemption amendment.